The Costume Contest is a colorful and popular event where delegates showcase their textile talents as they bring to life a character from mythology or from Rome’s streets.  Each contestant will be expected to make a brief statement about the costume and how it relates to the character, but no written portion is required.

The Costume Contest has two categories.  Contestants may enter individually OR as a pair.  Any contestant may enter as any character.


I) Themed Contest

to be annouced soon with the release of our 78th Convention Registration Packet

To get started, look up the myths about the various signs of the zodiac and choose one that appeals to you.  Think about how your costume can tell the story of one of the characters in the myth, let your imagination fly and showcase your skills.  Find your materials as cheaply as you can.  Enjoy creating your costume!

II) Most Authentic Roman Dress



Each contestant should make a BRIEF statement both about the costume and how it relates to the character; therefore, the contestant must have knowledge of Roman or Greek clothing styles and a broad knowledge of the character represented.  The contestant should be prepared to speak about the color, style, props, etc. selected for his/her costume.  The entrant must make his/her costume.  Creativity will include the entrant’s imaginative use of materials to make props and costume; it will NOT be based on the oral presentation.  The costume contest-rating sheet will be based upon the following criteria:

50 points for Authenticity

15 points for Attractiveness

20 points for Craftsmanship

05 points for Creativity of Interpretation

10 points for Overall Effectiveness

The cost of the costume must not exceed $50.00 (U.S.), excluding tax.  For couples, this is $50.00 per person.  The value of all items, including borrowed items, shoes, jewelry, etc. MUST be included in the $50.00 limit.  Ten points will be deducted for exceeding this limit.  Contestants are NOT required to turn in receipts for materials used in making their costumes at the Cascadia JCL convention.



Costume Contest awards will be given in the following divisions (subject to change).  Couples are entered at the grade level of the higher-level entrant.

Category I—Themed Contest:

Grades 4-5, Female                 Grades 4-5, Male                    Grades 4-5, Couples

Grades 6-7, Female                 Grades 6-7, Male                    Grades 6-7, Couples

Grades 8-9, Female                 Grades 8-9, Male                    Grades 8-9, Couples

Grades 10-12, Female             Grades 10-12, Male                Grades 10-12, Couples

Category II—Most Authentic Roman Dress:

Grades 4-5, Female                 Grades 4-5, Male

Grades 6-7, Female                 Grades 6-7, Male

Grades 8-9, Female                 Grades 8-9, Male

Grades 10-12, Female             Grades 10-12, Male

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