Formed in 1936, the National Junior Classical League (NJCL) is an organization of students sponsored by the American Classical League. Composed of local and state/provincial chapters across the United States, Canada, and Australia, it is the largest Classical organization in the world today with over 50,000 members. Its purpose is to encourage an interest in and an appreciation of the language, literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and to impart an understanding of the debt of our own culture to that of Classical antiquity.

Students from 3rd through 12th grade are welcome to participate. No Latin required!


The Official NJCL Creed

We the members of the Junior Classical League, strive to promote the study of Greek, Latin, and ancient cultures.

We believe this study will help us examine the world and expand our understanding of literature, language, arts, sciences, and humanity.

We affirm the JCL experience develops leadership, fosters community, promotes enthusiasm, encourages competition, inspires dedication, and enriches our total growth!


A lot of what JCL is about is in the Creed and Song. To remind JCLers about that, the National Officers recite both at each General Assembly at the National Convention. Latin students everywhere are joined in a friendly organization that extends across the world. The purpose, in addition to learning and appreciating the classics, includes making lasting friendships and encouraging individual growth.

NJCL Song (The Purple and Gold)

Revised 2022.

Seeking to learn, with wisdom our goal,
Looking for lessons through stories of old.

Searching the realms of the ancient past,
We study the classics’ works so vast.

In knowledge, service, and fellowship, we’re growing everyday
The friendly hand of J C L aids in every way.

We’ll join our arms and sing along
With every dear colleague.

And forever we’ll hold to the Purple and Gold,
of the Junior Classical League.

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